Monday, June 22, 2009

Welcome Class of 2013!

Hi Everyone!

Mrs. Nelson and I are looking forward to getting to know each of you during our journey into American history and literature. We hope you'll find our introductory summer reading activities both enjoyable and meaningful. Please feel free to contact us through email or through our blog if you have any questions: our summer experience is designed to be rewarding -- not stressful!

Please start your reading with THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO LARRY; with its focus on teen experiences, the Internet, relationships, and consumerism, we believe you'll find it a great read. Larry does some name-dropping of some pretty amazing world figures and aware! See who you know! We hope that many of you will take part in our FHS Book Chat on July 22, but if that doesn't work for you, we'll be chatting right here!

Enjoy the summer...and reading, too!

Mrs. Hurt